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Insid'ER Deals: Tevali Partners publishes its S1 2023 deal-tracking resource

At Tevali Partners, we are committed to sharing our knowledge and helping all market participants gain a better understanding of the energy transition. That’s why we’re happy to introduce the Insid’ER Deals report: the sector’s only free aggregated resource to follow European M&A and financing operations. The first edition of this report includes a thorough listing of the major deals of the past semester, with information on each operations stakeholders, technology, capacity and geographical area.

In the first half of 2023, c.130 transactions were executed in the European renewable energy sector. Spain leads the way with c. 22 deals announced, ahead of the UK with c. 20 and Germany with c.19. The total volume of deals represented a cumulated capacity of c. 60 GW, including 26 GW of wind, 19 GW of solar photovoltaic and 15 GW of other technologies such as storage, biogas, hydrogen and biomass, or a combination of these. Most of this capacity was composed of greenfield projects (53.7%), of which 61.5% were wind farms. In terms of volumes traded in terms of capacity, the UK tops the league table with 9.6 GW in the first quarter and 3.0 GW in the second.

To learn more, download the report for free below!

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