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Insid'ER Deals: Tevali Partners publishes its S2 2023 deal-tracking resource

At Tevali Partners, we are committed to sharing our knowledge and helping all market participants gain a better understanding of the energy transition. That’s why we’re happy to introduce the Insid’ER Deals report: the sector’s only free aggregated resource to follow European M&A and financing operations. The second edition of this report includes a thorough listing of S2 2023 major deals, with information on each operation's stakeholders, technology, capacity and geographical area.

In the second half of 2023, c.412 renewable energy deals (M&A and financing) were completed. The UK leads the way with c.69 deals announced, ahead of Spain and Germany with c.59 and c.51 respectively. In terms of volumes traded, Spain tops the league table with 15 GW. One of the biggest operations in the country in terms of capacity was a financing agreement obtained by renewables owner and investor Bruc for the construction of 8.5 GW of solar photovoltaic and wind power projects in Spain. Italy and France are the closest followers in terms of number of transactions and capacity traded.

Solar deals lead the Spanish market with c.30 transactions or financing operations against c.8 wind deals. Other markets, such as the UK’s for instance, are more balanced. It saw around 15 operations for each technology in S2 2023.

To learn more, download the report for free below!

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